Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Smackdown: Character vs. Author -aka- Character Development

Excerpt from a Character Interview with Deirdre Rose, main protagonist of my yet to be named time travel adventure.

Author: What word best describes you?

Deirdre Rose:
 I already told you that people say I am "willowy"--whatever that means. Hmmm. A word that describes me? Like one I would use to describe myself? Moody, conflicted, unsettled, hopeful, resigned--that's a lot of words I know. I am just trying the flavor of them to see which one fits me. Can one word sum up an entire person? I think you are fooling yourself with this question.

 Well…If I was in a job interview, this is the kind of question where they would be looking for an answer relevant to the job. So since this is a character interview you are probably looking for something relevant to the theme of the story. I guess you just need to figure out what that is and then I can come up with some profoundly insightful one word description that relates to it. Why don't you think about it for a second and let me know.

 Thought of something yet? "Finding ourselves?" That's the best you can come up with? It seems a little hoakey to me…but I guess its early in the process. I am sure you will come up with something a little more refined later. Ok, if this is going to be a story about me finding myself, well what a coincidence I do sort of need to do that, then I would say the word that sums me up is lost.

©2012 Amanda June Hagarty


  1. I enjoyed reading this 'interview'. Did it make you feel like a split personality.

  2. A little bit. Which is my goal. As a writer I need to pull back and separate from the character. If every character is like ourselves then our stories are like broken records. Its still early yet though and Deirdre's personality if still forming. The more questions I ask her the more I get new little pieces of the puzzle. Sometimes those new pieces cast a different light on the old one's. In the beginning a lot of the answers she gave were probably more based on myself but now I could probably go back and answer those questions differently because she is more her own person now.
    If that makes any sense.


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